By, Mike Potter The Etymology of Motherhood in Post Modern American Society Have you ever considered the etymology (origin and changing meaning over time) of the word “mother”? Consider the following two definitions provided by Fine Dictionary: Mother Received by birth or from ancestors; native, natural; as, mother language; also acting the part, or having the place of a mother; producing others; originating. Mother To...
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By, Lisa… Have you ever run a marathon? Or any sort of race? I have run one marathon in my life, and the last mile felt like 5 miles. The long journey of training, injury, elation, and then the actual race causes you to really pay special attention to that last mile. It’s really special to work so hard towards a goal and then try...
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by, Lisa We hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving, and are enjoying the Holiday Season! Welcome back from your first family holiday. I am writing this as I reflect back on some head scratching, and frustrating behaviors that we have experienced over the years. While these are specific stories, I do think you will start to say, “oh, YES! We have had that happen...
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By, Lisa….Veteran of many holiday seasons If you are like me, I get super excited months in advance to plan and prepare for the holidays with family. I often come up with wild ideas (pie contests ) with idyllic visions the perfect family gathering; making memories and I usually think I have a LOT more time than I have, and then the “Christmas vacation” music...
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by, Lisa… WAF Founder and lucky mom and wife This blog is inspired and dedicated to my husband, and to all the biological parents who carefully and lovingly support our families, as whole and unique families, through their actions, courage, forward thinking, and desire for a loving home for all-up to and after we can and do take the reins alongside you. I remember it...
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By Laura, WAF Board Member, and experienced Mom of 4 Over 100 million American people are involved in a blended family relationship to date. 5 million children each year enter blended families. Seventy percent of second marriages with at least one minor child result in divorce. Of those 5 million children this year that are entering a blended family, 3.5 million children will experience...
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By…Laura, WAF Board Member and Mom of Four When I think of Mother’s Day, I can’t help but remember my mother, Laura. Though she passed away in 2002, the lessons she taught me in my younger days paved the way for my future in ways I could not even imagine as a child and teenager. The values she practiced were not instilled to me biologically,...
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By….Lisa, Mom and WAF Founder When I think back to ALL of the things I hear people thank their Moms (and Dads) for, it usually goes like this: Thank you for: Loving me Feeding me Listening to me Taking care of me when I am upset Driving me all over creation, and feeding my friends Providing me opportunities Putting up with me Putting your needs...
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By….Lisa, Founder, and mom of three From Wikipedia, the definition of Family: “In the context of human society, a family (from Latin: familia) is a group of people affiliated either by consanguinity (by recognized birth), affinity (by marriage or other relationship), or co-residence (as implied by the etymology of the English word “family”[1]) or some combination of these. Members of the immediate family may include...
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By…Laura, WAF Board Member and Mom of four It occurred to me on my way back from China recently how modern day people still look at me dumbfounded when I say I have a blended family. I was sitting on a plane and the gentlemen next to me (a retired licensed clinical social worker) introduced himself and I did as well. As the conversation...
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