—- To be added to separation agreements or final orders —-

Post-Divorce Relationships and Remarriage

The Court admonishes both parties to thoughtfully and carefully introduce future relationships to the child(ren) of this divorce action considering the emotional impact upon the child(ren), the changes divorce brings and the sometimes difficult transitions into new relationships.  In the event of remarriage, the parties are cautioned in regard to future child-related litigation, that behaviors of new spouses, as well as the behaviors of the other parent toward the new spouse, will be considered and weighed by this Court in regard to adding future spouses as named parties, granting additional relief as requested in relation to these behaviors and in awarding attorney’s fees.  The parties are encouraged to provide copies of all pertinent orders to new spouses.

Both parties are strongly encouraged to allow new spouses, grandparents, uncles, aunts who offer a healthy and positive influence for the child(ren) to participate in the child(ren)’s life as requested and allowed by the related parent to the extent it is in the child(ren)’s best interests.  This includes,  but is not limited to,  pick-ups and drop-offs from school, attending school/religious activities/meetings, participating in activities such homework and extracurricular activities, etc. as encouraged/authorized by the related parent even in his/her absence.   In the event of future child-related litigation, reasons for and behaviors related to a parent’s exclusion of said third parties from a child(ren)’s life shall be considered by the Court in relation to additional relief requested in relation to these behaviors as well as in relation to the award of attorney’s fees.

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